Saturday, December 1, 2012

Problems with modern Christianity

“You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob. They are full of superstitions from the East; they practise divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans.” Isaiah 2:6
These words were written to the nation of Israel prior to their judgement in being sent into captivity, but they could equally well apply to Christianity at large today. The ecumenical and emergent church movements have a lot to answer for, having sacrificed Biblical truth on the altar of ‘tolerance for all’. It is scary to notice how many Eastern traditions and ideologies have made their way into the church today: the use of candles, chanting, and so on, seeking ‘inner peace’, ‘meditation’ being interpreted as seeking a trance-like state rather than the Biblical sense of ‘chewing over’ a passage of Scripture, and so forth. The Ecumenical movement prides itself on trying to marry up Christianity with other religions – as Isaiah said, to ‘clasp hands with pagans’. This movement teaches erroneous doctrine such as ‘Christians and Muslims all worship the same God’, and ‘there are many paths to heaven’. They teach about limbo and annihilation instead of the Biblical reality of hell. They liken the Holy Spirit to ‘the Force’ from Star Wars (which itself contains many underlying ideas from Hinduism). Some of them even suggest that God may be female!
It is no wonder then, that God has distanced Himself from these people. In their self-determined superior knowledge about spiritual things, they have rejected the God of the Bible and invented another god of their own making. Jesus’ instruction to us about these people is clear: “Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit” (Matt. 15:14). Israel’s judgement came to a head when they rejected God in favour of the gods of the nations surrounding them. It would seem that the same thing will happen to the church, one day (1 Pet. 4:17). We need to come back to the Bible as the basis of Christianity, the true foundation of our faith.

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