Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy birthday Jesus!

“Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Celebrating a birthday is a wonderful time for a family to come together and remember how it all began for that person. We might celebrate with presents, cards, a special meal, a cake. Isn’t it interesting how at Christmas time, families come together and have presents, cards, a special meal, a cake – yet the guest of honour is so often absent.
Let’s take some time this Christmas to think about the circumstances around Jesus’ birth: how His heavily pregnant mother had to travel for several days to get from Nazareth to Bethlehem, how when she and Joseph arrived in the town no-one had any room for them, so they ended up sleeping with the animals, how they were visited by shepherds, how Anna and Simeon prophesied over the child when they went to visit the temple for the prescribed offerings. Jesus’ birth as a human happened in the ordinary way – just as each one of us was also born. Yet the birth of that baby in the middle of the night in that tiny town in Israel set in motion a chain of events that changed the course of history forever. By the time Jesus’ life on earth was over and He ascended to the Father, the power of sin over the human race had been destroyed. The way for man to be reconciled with God, impassable for so long, was now wide open. At Christmas we remember the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ – God’s gift to all of mankind.

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