Tuesday, December 11, 2012


“Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy.” Psalm 64:1
We all complain. Nobody’s life is perfect, nobody can say that everything goes their way all of the time. Everyone has problems, and it’s up to us how to deal with them – and this is what shapes our character.
David wrote this psalm, probably during a time when he was on the run, either from Saul or from Absalom. He had been falsely accused (Ps. 64:3) and his life had been placed in danger. He and the men with him were under constant threat of attack. Now imagine what would have happened to the morale in the camp if David had complained to his men about how he felt and what was happening to him. They would have quickly become sick and tired of hearing him, and left him to wallow in self-pity.
This is how other people can feel about us if we are constantly complaining – not necessarily about them, but even just to them about life in general. It is immensely draining listening to someone complain. So let’s try not to be people who complain to others. It is ok to complain, to voice your frustrations, but do it to God, not to other people. Let Him know how you are feeling – and let Him lift you up.

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