Saturday, November 10, 2012

Quality friendship

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24
In today’s vernacular, this proverb might read, ‘Having a lot of ‘Facebook friends’ won’t help you in times of trouble; it is better to have one close friend who will be there with you through thick and thin.’ When it comes to friendship, it’s quality, not quantity, that matters. Do you have a close friend on whom you can completely rely? Or do you only have acquaintances?
It is also possible to have friends who are closer to us than family members. I’m blessed to be part of a Christian family, where my parents and both of my brothers are believers. But not everyone has this, and relationships can be strained for those who have unbelieving family members, because their priorities in life and their outlook on life are completely different. In many cases, we can feel a closer kinship with other believers than with our own families (this is certainly true for me when I think about my extended family – aunts, uncles, cousins).
The next question is, if I don’t have ‘a friend who sticks close then a brother’, how can I find someone like that? The key to having a friend like this, is to be a friend like this.

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