Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Making excuses

“The sluggard says, ‘There is a lion outside!’ or, ‘I will be murdered in the streets!’” Proverbs 22:13
The book of Proverbs tells us many things about fools, but is also tells us many things about sluggards, that is, lazy people. Today’s proverb describes how lazy people make excuses. They don’t go to work because they might get attacked by a lion or murdered on the way there. (In our vernacular, they don’t leave the house because they might be run over by a bus.) The chance of being attacked by a lion, or murdered, or run over by a bus, is very small. Life is full of risk; some big, some small; some with a higher probability of happening than others. Wisdom helps us to mitigate risk.
Have you ever known someone who is always thinking about the worst thing that could happen? Such people become tiresome to be around. I think I am generally quite positive about things, looking for the good in a situation (something with the words, ‘It could always be worse’ – but the difference is, not expecting things to get worse). If we are always thinking about the worst that could happen, that fear will cripple us from doing anything.
So next time you hear a ridiculous excuse coming out of your mouth, stop for a minute and think: am I saying this because I'm being lazy?

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