Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trusting in God

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7
We all know that life can be very uncertain. Our job, our health, our family, our possessions – all things that we could lose in an instant through redundancy, accident, etc. So we need something – or someone – to depend on. We depend on our job to bring in the money to provide for our families. We depend on the police force to prevent people from breaking into our house or attacking us. The reference here to trusting in horses and chariots is to depending on military strength, which many nations do today.
But of course, for the Christian, there is only one thing or person we are to place our trust in: God. And there are several reasons why this is the best and most logical choice for us. He never changes, and He never fails. He is not impassive towards us, but takes an active interest in our welfare. He will always be there for us. And He not only knows the future – which would be encouragement enough for us – but He also controls it. What are you trusting in today?

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