Tuesday, September 4, 2012

God's way

“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.” Psalm 18:30
Trusting God is something that takes us a lifetime to learn how to do completely. In particular, trusting God with our future can be a struggle. We like to know what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week, or next year. We like to be sure that we will still have a job, that our family will be healthy, that our house won’t be burgled or go up in flames. We like to be in control.
But one of the hardest lessons for us to learn is that of all the ways that we could go in life, it is God’s way that is the best for us. It might not seem the logical thing to do, in the flesh; but the reality is if God is leading you, there’s a reason. His plans and purposes for you are ultimately for your good and for His glory (Jer. 29:11). God is outside time as we experience it. He sees our present and our future all in one glance. And to get us to that place where He wants us to be, He may need to lead us through some difficult patches that might not make sense to us as we are going through them. But in all things, He is with us. He will protect us. He has promised to do so in His Word, and His Word is completely trustworthy.

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