Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blotting out transgressions

“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for My own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” Isaiah 43:25
This is a great promise from God to us today. He is the one who can, and does, blot out our transgressions, and He remembers our sin no more – when we come to faith in Christ, in God’s eyes, it is as if we had never sinned. But there are four words that I want to pick up on: “for My own sake”. You see, it isn’t for our sake - although we would think that we are the primary beneficiaries of our sins being blotted out. Rather, God says, it is for His own sake. This gives us a hint of the magnitude of God’s desire for us to be with Him.
Many people have an incorrect view of God. They think He is reluctant to save us, forgive us, and that He doesn’t really forget anything, but that He is waiting for us to slip up so He can punish us. This is not the case at all. God does not rejoice in judging people. He has done everything in His power, that is consistent with His character, so that we are not lost forever. He has provided a way for salvation, but does not encroach upon our free will.
The problem is that nothing sinful can enter heaven. If God did not blot out our sins, we could not be with Him. Although God doesn’t need us, He wants us to be there. He wants to share His blessings and love with us.

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