Saturday, March 12, 2011

Being born again

“In reply Jesus declared, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.’” John 3:3
The term ‘born again’ often carries with it negative connotations of crazy Christians who sometimes seem to have lost more than a few of their marbles. But the term was first used by Jesus – and this isn’t what He was referring to.
In John 3:5-6, He elaborates: “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” Everyone walking around on this planet has been born by the flesh, or by water. (Note that this is not referring to water baptism!) Those who have come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, have also been born in their spirit, by the Holy Spirit. Before we knew Him, our bodies were alive but our spirits were dead.
Therefore, the only kind of Christian is a born again one, whose spirit has been made alive to God. As the saying goes: if you are only born once, you will die twice (physically, and spiritually). But if you are born twice, you will only die once.

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