Saturday, February 5, 2011

Guard your heart

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
It’s very easy to let ourselves become desensitised to sin. All you need to do is leave the TV on, look at magazine racks, watch music videos, continue listening to lewd conversations when they come up at work, etc. How many times did you hear the name of God or Jesus being used as a curse word this week? Or does it not bother you any more? Even worse, do you find yourself doing the same things?
All of these, and you can think of others, are examples of how we are becoming more accepting of sin, personally and as a society. In a society where homosexuality is not only tolerated, but celebrated and promoted; where adultery is the theme behind most of our TV programming and movies, where violence is prevalent in video games, where music videos are becoming increasingly pornographic – it’s hard to maintain innocence in the way that God would have us do. We are to be innocent of evil (Rom. 16:19). Think about this: it’s impossible to go back, once you have lost innocence.
It’s a tragic thing when our hearts become hardened and numbed to sin. We tolerate it because society tells us to. But then we fail to see the devastating effects it can have on us, and we start to indulge it ourselves. Just as we eat well to look after our physical heart, we should take even more care of our spiritual heart.

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