Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mary's faith

“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” Luke 1:45
These words were said by Elizabeth to Mary, while Mary was visiting her during her pregnancy. It is one of several prophetic statements made about Mary concerning her motherhood to Jesus (see also the words of Simeon and Anna in Luke 2).
Mary was blessed to be chosen as the human mother of Jesus Christ. Giving birth to the Messiah was the desire of all Israelite women. Mary was a godly woman, and she was chosen because she had found favour with God (Luke 1:30). However, just like other people who have been blessed with various gifts and ministries by God, she is not to be worshipped or prayed to.
Elizabeth announced this blessing on Mary because she had believed that what God had said to her would come to pass. This same blessing can apply to us also: we are blessed if we believe God’s word to us, both in the Bible and the things He has spoken to us individually. This is not some strange, mystical blessing that sets Mary apart from the rest of mankind (or womankind). But it is the blessing that comes upon everyone who has faith in God’s word. Having faith in God’s word is a blessing to us because it enables us to endure difficult times. Certainly Mary faced these: the stigma of bearing a child out of wedlock, the pain at seeing her son tortured and dying on a cross. (See Luke 2:34-35.) It is thought that 2 John was written to her, encouraging her to continue living in love and not to pay attention to people who were teaching false things about the Lord. Mary needed encouragement too, just like us. And like us, she had faith in the Lord to bring her through.

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