Sunday, October 21, 2012

Doubting our salvation

“Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.’” Luke 7:50
These words of Jesus to the unnamed woman who wet His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair, while He was visiting a Pharisee’s house – a woman who the Pharisee looked down on in scorn as being a ‘sinner’ (Luke 7:39) – can be of great comfort to us today. She came to Jesus in great respect, seeking forgiveness. She knew she was a sinner, and she knew that He could save her (Luke 7:47-48).
We also come to Jesus with no merit of our own, seeking forgiveness that we don’t deserve, for the sins we have committed and the sins we will continue to commit because of our sin nature. That initial euphoria of receiving forgiveness from God, of being included in His family, of receiving salvation, can wear off over time. However, every Christian has times when they doubt their salvation. Those who grew up in a Christian home and have always known the Lord, can sometimes wonder if they really are saved, or if they just believe because that’s what they’ve been taught. Others, who may have come to Christ later in life and have a defining moment of being born again, may experience the same kind of doubts if they feel they have backslidden for a time. We all wonder if we have somehow lost our salvation, through neglect or being distracted with other things – like putting your keys somewhere and forgetting where you left them.
If that’s you today, listen to the words of Jesus: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Do you still have faith in Jesus, that He has saved you from your sins? Then your faith has saved you. It’s a done deal. It’s not up to you to keep yourself saved – that’s the job of the Holy Spirit. And I’m glad it’s His job, and not mine. We don’t have to worry that we will lose our salvation. We can rest in God’s secure hands, and have peace.

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