Monday, March 12, 2012

Thanking God for salvation

“Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclain His salvation day after day.” Psalm 96:2
Have you ever been praying and praising God, thanking Him for various things He has done for you, and become completely overwhelmed at the depth of His grace shown towards you? It’s a wonderful thing – and humbling as well. Whenever I’m feeling down, just spending time thanking God usually helps immensely. I especially thank Him for salvation; without it, I would have no hope at all. If God does nothing else for me; if the rest of my prayers go unanswered, if I lose my job or if my health begins to suffer, if my friends and family desert me, He has still saved me from an eternity of torment and invited me to spend that eternity with Him. So often we can take our salvation for granted, because it’s the fundamental thing that defines us as Christians and as people. But our salvation is entirely a gift from God: we do not deserve it, and we can’t earn it. At this point in our train of thinking we can get caught up in ‘why did you save me, God?’ – but I would encourage you not to go there. The fact remains, He has saved you, out of His love; accept it, receive it, and thank Him for it.

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