Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Showing contempt for God's kindness

“Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance and patience, not realising that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” Romans 2:4
Often we can wonder why God doesn’t make the final curtain call and get on already with judging the world. We look around us and see homosexuality paraded in the streets, prostitution legalised, pornography encouraged, and ethicists saying that killing newborn babies is no different to abortion and should therefore be allowed (because an earlier generation deemed that a woman’s right to kill her baby in the womb had precedence over the right of that unborn child to live). But even in the midst of this, God is kind and patient. He can see that, even though many are living with no thought of Him, there are some who are still being drawn by His kindness – and they are worth it for Him to hold off for just a little bit longer.
Those thoughts that we have, wishing God would step in and bring judgement upon someone in particular or upon the world in general, are actually showing contempt for His kindness. It’s a selfish attitude to have, and essentially boils down to ‘Well, I’m saved, so that’s all that matters.’ I admit that I do think this way from time to time; I’m tired of the world, I just want everything to be over.
What can we do instead? Contemplate God’s kindness and patience, and show it to others. Demonstrate His kindness through your actions and conversations. We are still living in the age of grace, where God draws people by His love. They come to repentance when they realise how they have hurt Him through their sin – they aren’t forced to repent because He is beating them with a big stick. God has shown us mercy in this regard – we should show it to others.

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