Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but I’m finding that in society, Christmas is becoming less and less about remembering and celebrating the birth of Christ, and more and more about presents. Sure, we know that Jesus wasn’t born on 25 December, and that many of the Christmas traditions are taken from the festival of Saturnalia, but we can still celebrate the event of Jesus’ birth as a human (just as, at least in New Zealand, Queen’s Birthday holiday is not celebrated on the Queen’s actual birthday).
In some places, political correctness has taken over so that you’re made to feel guilty for even uttering the words ‘Merry Christmas’ for fear of offending someone. We’ve gone from ‘keep Christ in Christmas’ to ‘keep Christmas’!
I remember talking with my family once about which was more important, Christmas or Easter. Without Easter, we would still be lost in our sins. But without Christmas, there wouldn’t have been the events of Easter.
I hope you have a relaxing, joyful and very Merry Christmas this year!

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