Friday, December 16, 2011


“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good.” Psalm 53:1
The Bible tells us that it is foolish to think that God does not exist. In fact, atheism is an illogical belief – to say categorically that there is no God, someone must have searched throughout the entire universe, to the macrocosm and the microcosm, through things material and immaterial, and found nothing. But no-one can claim to have done this. If an athiest is honest, they must admit that God could exist somewhere that they haven’t looked. In reality, they don’t know for sure, but they have made a conscious decision to not believe in Him. When confronted with the intricate design of creation – from the nervous system in our body, down to the cellular level – they still refuse to see God’s hand at work. The reason for this stubbornness is quite simple: people don’t want to be accountable to God. They know that if they acknowledged His existence, then they have to acknowledge that He created them, that they owe Him a debt and they have to obey His rules. But they want to be free to continue in their sinful ways. Let’s call atheism what it is: it’s not that people can’t believe, but that they won’t believe. They have made a choice, based on convenience – not logic.

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