Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where two or three are gathered

“For where two or three come together in My name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
We often think this verse means that when we get together with a bunch of Christian friends to hang out, Jesus is there, hanging out with us. While there is a special unity that Christians share, that’s not what this verse is referring to. Coming together in His name means much more than just physically spending time with other believers. It conveys a sense of coming together for a purpose, in unity – coming together for prayer, or worship; things where Jesus is at the forefront. It’s those times when Jesus promises to be with us. Sure, He is with us all the time, even when we are by ourselves (Matt. 28:20, Heb. 13:5). But He is with us in a special, dynamic way when we gather with other Christian brothers and sisters for prayer and worship, being led by the Spirit. This is why we can’t afford to go through the Christian life solo – we lose this dynamic.
So it’s important to gather together, but also note how many are needed – only two or three! Jesus doesn’t require a minimum of twenty, or two hundred, in order for Him to turn up to a prayer meeting. He’s not about the numbers; but He is about unity within the numbers that are there. So next time you’re joining one or two other believers for prayer, be encouraged – Jesus is with you.

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