Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The fruit of repentance

“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” Matthew 3:8
John the Baptist came with a message of repentance (Matt. 3:2, Mark 1:4, Acts 13:24, Acts 19:4). This was Jesus’ message too (Matt. 4:17). Repentance means to turn yourself around 180 degrees. Repentance is different from being sorry. We can be sorry that we were caught doing something wrong, because we don’t like being punished; but given the opportunity again, there would be nothing stopping us from repeating that action (and probably with a resolve to hide it better). Repentance means turning away from that thing, that action, that attitude, and making a conscious decision not to do it again. The word in Greek is metanoia, which means to reverse one’s decision, or change one’s way of thinking. We can be sorry for our sin all we like, but if we don’t repent and change our way of thinking about that sin, we will keep falling into it.
Now that we know what repentance means, we can talk about its fruit. The result of turning away from sin and refusing to indulge in it anymore, is a life that is vastly different to before. If we have truly repented, we will have a changed heart and a new attitude. We will develop humility. We will want to please God. Regarding sin, we will come to see it how God sees it. Then we will really want to stay away from it!
Another beautiful thing about repentance is that it’s not too late, and it’s not too hard. Allow the Holy Spirit to transform your mind (Rom. 12:2). If you make the first move in this direction, God will help you to follow through.

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