Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Signs and wonders

“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it.” Mark 16:20
There are many Christians today, unfortunately, who go running after bigger and better miraculous signs and wonders. If there’s an itinerant healer in town, they’ll go along. If there’s an ‘outpouring’ of tongues and reports of people rolling on the ground laughing hysterically or barking like dogs, they’ll be the first ones in the door. But the true miraculous signs and wonders being talked about here, are never seen in this light in Scripture. They are not theatrics to keep believers entertained. Having said that, they are legitimate – when they occur in the correct context, which is this: As the gospel is being preached, the signs confirm that message.
There are other Christians who don’t believe that signs and wonders operate today, saying that only occurred during the first century until the gospel had been preached in all the world. Now that that has been completed, there is no need for them (they say). But signs and wonders do still occur. In western societies, we tend to either not notice them or not be meeting the conditions which allows them to operate. In other parts of the world, signs and wonders occur regularly, as the gospel is being preached. We ought to seek out what the Scriptures teach on these things, before passing judgement one way or another.

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