Monday, May 2, 2011

The foundation of God's throne

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before You.” Psalm 89:14
A foundation is something that undergirds something else. Without a solid foundation, whatever is built runs the risk of collapsing. God’s throne, by which is meant His reign, is founded upon two things: righteousness, and justice. God has complete sovereignty over all things, because He is first of all righteous, and second, just.
Righteousness means being completely sinless. Not only has God never sinned, He cannot sin – nor can any sin enter His presence. This is why the Fall of man is such a tragedy. God created man to fellowship with Him, but sin breaks any possibility of that happening while man is still in a sinful state. This is why we need to be reborn, by the Spirit, by placing our faith and trust in Jesus. When we do this, we are clothed in His righteousness and are thus enabled to enter God’s presence.
Justice is complete fairness. Whatever we do in life, God will treat us completely fairly. This treatment may not be immediate, but when everything is done and dusted, we will all acknowledge that we received what we deserved. God is never unfair.
Lastly, we read that love and faithfulness go before Him. Love is the essence of God’s character (1 John 4:16). He is also faithful – He never fails to keep His promises.

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