Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He has made perfect

“because by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” Hebrews 10:14
Here we have a classic example of God’s perspective versus our perspective regarding our salvation. This is the only way to interpret this verse, because the mix of tenses (‘has made perfect’... ‘being made holy’) does not make any sense otherwise. God, as we know, is outside time. To Him, everything in time is laid out before Him, like items on a table. He can see it all. We, however, are like ants crawling across the table. We encounter each object, each event, in a sequence. We cannot see what is ahead of us until we get to it.
God already sees us in our glorified state. He already sees us as we will be – made perfect. Christ’s work will not fail (Phil. 1:6). Yet in our perspective, we are still being made holy. There is still a lot that God has yet to do in our lives to make us perfect. How encouraging it is, then, to know that we will reach that destination!
And also here in this verse, we see the complete sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf. By that one sacrifice, we are made perfect forever. Jesus hasn’t just partly saved us and we have to do the rest. No – He has done it all, and the purifying process we are now going through (sanctification, being made holy) is all His doing as well.

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