Monday, August 23, 2010

Romans 8:27

“And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”

This verse follows on from Romans 8:26, how the Spirit within us ‘intercedes for us’, that is, He helps us to pray as we should when we don’t know how to express our desires other than by groaning. We are told here that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray in accordance with God’s will. This is one of the most critical things about prayer: God will only answer a prayer in the affirmative if it is in accordance with His will (1 John 5:14). As we open up to the Spirit’s leading when we are praying, we will be able to discern God’s will for a situation, and pray accordingly.
God is the one who searches our hearts. With the Spirit within us, we have a direct link to God, and vice versa – God through the Spirit, and the Spirit to us. The latter is where the bottleneck in communication is. Can you see how important it is, then, to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying? Prayer is not just about us talking, it is a two-way communication. He won’t barge into our prayer; He waits for us to seek and ask Him.
So the next time you have a burden on your heart and you don’t know how to pray, just ask the Holy Spirit to help you, and take time to listen to what He would say.

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