Thursday, July 29, 2010

Things that make us stumble

“Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165
Nobody ever stumbles on purpose. We might stumble by accident, because we can’t see where we are going. If it’s dark and we can’t see where we are putting our foot, or the obstacles that are in the way, we stand a good chance of stumbling. But when it comes to spiritual things, we are not in the dark, becuase God has given us the light of His Word to show us where to put our feet (Ps. 119:105).
The other reason we might stumble, even if we can see where we are going, is if someone deliberately trips us. A while back in our family it was a great game while we were walking (for some) to try and trip up the person in front of you by gently guiding their foot across. A few times they succeeded, but we quickly learned not to let that person walk directly behind us. Similarly in our spiritual walk. If there’s some area that we find ourselves stumbling at time and time again, we need to take stock as to why that is the case. More often than not it’s because we are putting ourselves in the line of temptation. It may also be a character flaw that we need to ask God to help us with. In both cases, the Word gives us discernment.
One thing to remember is that stumbling is an involuntary action. If you do find yourself flat on your face (spiritually), don’t stay there. Get up and keep moving. God knows we are not perfect, and He has promised to give us all the help we need.

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